At Wes Carroll Tutoring and Coaching, we understand that our rates are higher than those of most tutors. That’s because what we do is actually different in a few ways. Here’s how to make sure you’re getting good value for your money. Let’s define a great fit.

Are you looking for answers to these questions?

  • Need help with math problems?
  • Want to learn problem-solving techniques?
  • Struggling with reading math books effectively?
  • Need to improve your study skills?
  • Seeking to reduce anxiety in class or during tests?

If so, we can help you, but you can probably find good help for less money. Even if you need many of the above things, it’s probably worth looking around.

Or, perhaps you’re seeking something different

  • Want to enhance your academic performance but unsure where to start?
  • Desire a deeper understanding of your learning challenges?
  • Need to improve problem-solving skills, especially under pressure?
  • Want to develop cognitive skills that will benefit you long-term?
  • Aim to excel in math competitions through creative thinking?
  • Seek an expert co-strategist in your academic journey.

If so, then I respectfully suggest that you’re in the right place. The price is high because it’s difficult to do this work well.

But that’s exactly what we do, and we’re grateful to get to do work we love.

Thank you for allowing us to give these benefits to you and your family.

Ready to take the next step? Book a consultation for more information.