Manage your schedule with us

A step-by-step guide for getting set up


Staying on top of a tutoring schedule in the context of a busy student’s schedule can be difficult. Our scheduling system makes everything easier:

  • Get emailed reminders of upcoming appointments
  • Confirm your schedule for the entire school year, then change it at any time if you need to
  • View your full schedule at any time

Getting set up takes just a few minutes. Let’s do it together now, step by step.

Our scheduling system (Acuity) lets you book, reschedule, and/or cancel appointments instantly, from any browser or smartphone.

To complete the registration process, please take the following steps:

Open the first session confirmation email you received from [email protected] (or contact [email protected] if you don’t see it). The message should look something like this:

scheduling faq - appointment scheduled

Scroll to the bottom of the message, where you will see three blue boxes. Click the one marked “view appointment details”

scheduling faq - appointment options

On the appointment details page, you’ll see the time and place of your upcoming appointment. To view and book future appointments on your own, you’ll need to register an account with Acuity, so click the button labeled “Register for an Account” at the bottom of the text box:

scheduling faq - appointment details

Fill in your email address, and a password, and then hit “Sign up”:

scheduling faq - registration form

You’ll receive a confirmation email with the subject line “Registered Account”. Open that email, and click the “verify your email address” link you’ll find there. That link takes you to your scheduling page, where you’ll see your upcoming appointments in the green box at the top of the page. Here, you can also schedule more sessions with Wes and his team.

Bookmark this page now.

scheduling faq - schedule appointment

Now that you’ve successfully registered for an account, you can book sessions on your own. We recommend booking far in advance, in order to claim your preferred time(s). (You can always change it later if needed. The point is that if someone else claims your preferred time, there’s not much we can do.) 

Please get in touch with [email protected] if you have any trouble with any of these steps.

Other questions?

Call (415.937.1729) or email me with any questions that come up.  If any of the above is unclear, please let me know right away, so that I can keep you on the path to success at every turn.

I know that this is a lot to take in. Please trust that I do this in order to be able to offer significant needed help right from the very first session.