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SAT Subject Test Preparation

Perfect scores are difficult to earn. But we make it happen.

Expert instruction for:

Why you'll like working with us

The SAT Math 2, Physics, and Chemistry Subject Tests offer both the challenges and the rewards that advanced students need in order to stand out. Such challenges requires thorough preparation.

While these tests are standardized, preparing for them doesn’t have to be. We teach each student in the ways they most like to learn.

How my team is better for you

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We'll take the stress out of the test.

My partners and I take the sting out of prep by making a high score feel easy. It takes work, yes, but less than you expect.

Because with us, you’re doing the right work.

Parents: start by filling out our introduction form below. These details let us get started quickly and effectively.

Students: please have these items at the ready:

  • A recent Subject Test practice exam
  • Any recent practice tests you’ve attempted, with scratchwork
  • A list of ways you’ve prepared for either of these tests so far

Ways we’ll help you

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Initial assessment and plan

Your SAT Subject Test Scores will let me identify our first steps, and our standard and “reach” goals.

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Comprehensive one-on-one tutoring

We pride ourselves on understanding what’s in the student’s way, rather than just on explaining the material well in several ways.

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In person or via video-conference

Geography and tight schedules aren’t factors for us. We’ve made ourselves flat-out experts at delivering great value via video too.

Meet the SAT Subject Test Team

Wes Carroll

Wes Carroll

Your guide

You’ll begin your SAT Subject Test prep in an one-on-one intake session with me. Together, we’ll lay the groundwork for study strategies, and get you started with the right team member.

Click here to learn more about Wes.

James Reischutz

James Reischutz

Your tutor

Then, you might work with James, especially if you feel uncomfortable when confronting tests.

Click here to learn more about James.

Michael Schwartz

Michael Schwartz

Your tutor

Or, you might instead work with Michael, especially if you usually find tests interesting and/or easy.

Click here to learn more about Michael S.

Wes Carroll Tutoring and Coaching logo

A bit more about my method...

Why work with Wes and his team?
There is no one recipe for standardized test success. What works for one student won’t work for another. With tests as challenging as the SAT Subject Tests, it’s especially important to get the right help.

Your first meeting is with Wes, who starts with a thorough assessment: he’ll find out what you already know about the topic, and much more: what time you like to study, how long you can concentrate for without losing focus, and what frustrates you most about particular problems. Once we understand your preferred learning and performance styles, we can help you to use your natural strengths to excel.

You show me your preferred learning style, and then we teach you to use your natural strengths to excel.

Which test date should I pick?

It depends on many variables. Let me help make it easier: just get in touch, and I’ll help you discover your best option.

When should you prepare?
Three months before the target date: schedule your meetings with us.

Six to eight weeks before the target test date: begin your work with us.

Planning ahead not only avoids stress (a real score-killer), but also eliminates logistical hassles.

The right prep is just one click away.

Please pick a time for a consultation at no charge. We’ll get you started ASAP.

Learn more about...

Wes Carroll

Math, Physics & AMC Tutor

(415) 937-1729 / [email protected]

Available worldwide via videoconference

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Math Competition Coaching

Experience the joys of elegant solutions and personal expertise even before you learn to drive.

(Math competitions also provide students with unique avenues for entrance into some of the best schools in the country.)

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Online Video Courses

Get in-depth preparation, everywhere and anytime (SAT Math 2 only, for the moment).

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Academic Assistance

Get more out of of tough homework and exams, even in advanced courses like APs and IBs.

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SAT Subject Test Prep

Let us help your student get perfect scores on the Math 2 and Physics Subject Tests.

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AP STEM Support

Work ahead of the rest of the class. Learn for life. Earn your “5”.