ACT 36

It’s a bright spot in an otherwise difficult year: student SJ just found out about his ACT 36.

ACT & SAT: Are They Winners’ Games?

I didn’t expect Farnam Street to relate so directly to college admissions, but it does, and in a way that is as important as it is deep. According to the post linked above, the outcome of a “winner’s game” is determined mostly by the actions of...

Test Anxiety

Students suffering from test anxiety often make things worse by misunderstanding the nature of successful preparation work. They think: “my goal is to have new knowledge and new techniques.” But that’s wrong. The right goal is to have new habits....

“Test Day Jitters”

“Test day jitters” manifests as “the problems were hard!” when what’s really going on is “I’m not quite as capable when I’m nervous / amped up / in the spotlight.” The biggest barrier to addressing this issue is...