Wes Carroll Tutoring & Coaching Blog
I Don’t Care Whether You’re Smart. I Only Care How Hard You Try
Carol Dweck hits the nail on the head. You might think that "you're so smart!" is a good thing to say to someone. You'd be ...
I’ve Been Busy!
Gentle readers: It's been a busy autumn.* The math team is doing quite well; we have 44 points out of 60 on the CAML moving ...
Welcome To The Team, Coach
Just a quick announcement that Urban High School of San Francisco has started a math competition team this year, with yours truly as the coach ...
Problem Of The “Every So Often”
An interesting problem came up in conversation with a College Preparatory School freshman the other day, so I thought I'd share it with you: 100! ...
Math Books I Recommend You Read
Hello from vacation! New York City, as it happens. I'm spending the summer emphatically not working, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy a little ...
Abstract vs. Concrete In Math Education
As I see it, the issue that's missing here is this: a good teacher will use examples to illustrate a point, whereas a great teacher ...
Yes, the SAT is important…
...but it isn't that important.(But, just to put the plug in there, BodSAT.com is a good place to go if you're a superstar student and ...
College Gets Expensive In New Ways
This is the part of the current overarching financial picture that worries me most: parents simply unable to send their kids to college ...
The Best Game Ever
I've thought for a long time that it would be great if math got the same treatment as sports. I've also thought that that is ...
The Pros And Cons Of Discipline
Yes, one can always take anything too far. But if I had to guess, I'd say that the current average levels of discipline, structure, and ...