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The AMC vs the usual tests and grades

This blog, also hosted on Substack, is where I share what I’ve been discussing, writing, and reading in the realms of academic and cognitive development for gifted high schoolers in specific, and education in general. My tutoring and coaching practice is centered...

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Recent AMC changes

...and how some ambitious students can reap huge benefits There have been some major shifts in the college admissions landscape over the last few years. These shifts have changed the value of the AMC for certain students, and they have also changed how a student...

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A few thoughts about the ACT/SAT

If you’re heading to college, you’re almost certainly going to take the ACT or SAT at least once. I’d like to set the record straight on a few things so that we can all minimize unproductive time and effort, especially in light of the fact that most students take...

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The AMC 10 and 12 Exams: What You Need to Know

They say that the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, but today would be the second best. That’s how I feel about writing about the American Math Competition (AMC): I wish I had spent more time writing about it in the past, but I’ll do the next best thing and...

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Why Wes Carroll Coaches the ACT

Short answer: Because the way I do it, the students gain skills they'll actually use throughout their adult lives.My buddy Tutor Amie and I were discussing this recently: Check out the clip. If you didn't know, I host a podcast with Amie Dorsey called "Wes and Amie's...

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Three things I’m grateful for today

Pretty much everyone I talk to these days has a higher-than-usual level of difficulty and frustration, but we're all working hard to keep that stuff from leaking into our conversations unwittingly. I really appreciate that emotional effort.  I'm also grateful...

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ACT 36

It's a bright spot in an otherwise difficult year: student SJ just found out about his ACT 36.

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The Importance Of Judgment

Amy Coney Barrett recently delivered a speech in which she pronounces poignant as "POIG-nunt." (Here's the clip.) Mispronouncing a word doesn't make you "dumb" or "less than" or anything of the sort. But it does suggest that you are not routinely engaged in vigorous...

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